SAEF Coaching

Caroline Potts

  • Ran Cherry Ring Riding Stables for twenty years. Cherry Ring produced winners in all disciplines, but concentrated on dressage. Many of today’s top riders were child and or junior riders at Cherry Ring.
  • Taught at all levels, from beginners to successful adults competing in FEI small and big tour dressage competitions.
  • She has also taught the dressage stage of eventing, including both child and junior national champions.
  • Has been involved in the FEI in three ways: as a 3* Grand Prix judge, as a 3* Para judge and as a course presenter for the FEI ESEE Coaches and Judges Solidarity program throughout Southern African countries.
  • Has trained dressage in other African countries, including being National trainer for Zambia taking them to the top of the leader board in Group IX for the FEI World.

These are the Coach Developers who have been endorsed by FEI, SAEF as well as DSA